Monday, December 12, 2011

A Dream Come True!

As I've said before, I know I'm a terrible blogger (hence the 3-month hiatus), but I'm truly motivated to write more in order to keep my friends and family updated on the wedding planning. I thought I would first start off by telling you a little bit about my fiance, Andrew.

For those of you who have known me for awhile now, the dating world has been a battle. I dated some pretty bad seeds, had my heart and trust broken, and ended up bitter towards men for several years. When I met Andrew in the Spring of 2010, I have to admit, I was guarded and cautious. Yet he was completely patient with me and relentless in showing me that he was a man to be trusted. Once I let my guard down, I quickly saw the kind, loving, compassionate, God-honoring, funny, passionate family man that I had always dreamed of marrying one day. Not to mention, the most handsome man I have ever seen! And just as my dad had always told me..."the man who wants to marry you, will stop at nothing to get a ring on your finger as soon as possible." And he did just that on September 30! He truly is a dream come true, and each day, I look more and more forward to spending the rest of my life with him.

A couple facts about him:
  • He's worked in the sports therapy field for the past 8 years, but is now is back in school to be a Chiropractor.
  • He was born and lived in Omaha, Nebraska til high school before moving to Memphis.
  • He is a die-hard Nebraska Cornhuskers fan and a lover of all things sports.
  • He loves kids (and they LOVE him). We serve at church every week with the preschoolers. It melts my heart seeing him interact with them.
  • He's also a major pet lover, and although he tries to be coy about it, adores our little puppy Vinny to death. 
  • He knows the most random facts that sometimes I Google those facts just to see if he's right. lol (He almost always is).
  • He makes friends WHEREVER we go!
  • He's a fantastic cook (lucky for me).
  • His crazy goofiness has me cracking up at least once a day.
  • Years ago, he had what he called the worst haircut of his life. Ever since then, he cuts his own hair (which is so interesting to watch).
  • He is one of the most selfless people I know; always willing to help where he sees needed.
  • He gives me the best advice (even when I don't ask for it-haha).
And the list goes on and on. Tomorrow, I'll talk a little bit about where I'm at with my wedding planning.

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